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Which is an insertion point for East-West service insertion?
Answer: B
East-West service insertion refers to the ability to insert security services, such as firewall and intrusion detection and prevention, between virtual machines (VMs) that are communicating within the same logical network.
One of the insertion points for East-West service insertion is the virtual network interface card (vNIC) of the guest VM. The vNIC is the virtual representation of a physical NIC on a VM, and it connects the VM to the virtual network. By inserting security services at the vNIC level, traffic between VMs can be inspected and secured before it reaches the virtual switch.
VMware NSX-T Data Center documentation VMware NSX-T Data Center Security documentation
A customer has a requirement to achieve Zero-Trust Security and minimize operational overhead. Which VMware solution can be used by the customer to achieve the requirement?
Answer: A
NSX Intelligence is a security analytics solution from VMware that can be used to achieve Zero-Trust Security and minimize operational overhead. It provides an AI-driven security analytics platform that can detect and respond to threats in real-time, allowing organizations to quickly identify threats and respond to them before they can cause damage. Additionally, it also provides automated security operations and orchestration capabilities that can help reduce manual overhead and free up resources for more important tasks.
For more information on NSX Intelligence and how it can help achieve Zero-Trust Security and minimize operational overhead, please refer to the NSX-T Data Center documentation:
Which three are required to configure a firewall rule on a getaway to allow traffic from the internal to web servers? (Choose three.)
Answer: C,E,F
In order to configure a firewall rule on a gateway to allow traffic from the internal to web servers, the administrator needs to enable the Firewall Service for the gateway, create a firewall policy in the Local Gateway category, and add a firewall rule in the Local Gateway category. This firewall rule should specify the web servers as the destination and the internal network as the source.
For more information on how to configure firewall rules on a gateway, please refer to the NSX-T Data Center documentation:
An organization is using VMware Identity Manager (vIDM) to authenticate NSX-T Data Center users Which two selections are prerequisites before configuring the service? (Choose two.)
Answer: B,C
The two prerequisites before configuring the VMware Identity Manager (vIDM) service for NSX-T Data Center are Configure vIDM Integration and Certificate Thumbprint from vIDM. In order to use vIDM for authentication, it must be integrated with NSX-T Data Center, which will involve configuring the vIDM integration service. Additionally, a certificate thumbprint from vIDM must be provided to NSX-T Data Center to enable secure communication between the two services. Time synchronization and assigning roles to users are not necessary prerequisites for configuring the vIDM service. Reference: [1] [2]
Which vCenter component is used by the NSX Manager to deploy the Partner Service VM on every host of a cluster configured for guest introspection?
Answer: D
Component Manager is used to deploy the Partner Service VM on every host of a cluster configured for guest introspection.
For further reading, see the VMware NSX-T Data Center Administration Guide ( for more information on configuring guest introspection.
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