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To treat Nail Fungus, there are two treatment options; you can choose to go for the traditional treatment method, which is the use of antifungals or you can opt to use more natural treatments such as home Keravita Pro Reviews remedies and other methods. You can start with using topical creams or ointments. that contain Tea tree oil. They are known to kill the fungi and help alleviate the symptoms of Nail Fungus.

Other alternative treatments include topical creams that contain garlic or tea tree oil. You can also go for home remedies such as vinegar and hydrogen peroxide. This treatment can be applied directly onto the affected area. Home remedies such as apple cider vinegar can also help to treat the infection. It can be used to clean your feet and nails by soaking your feet or your nails in a solution of half an inch of cider vinegar and one-half cup of water. It will help to kill the fungi and also helps you to alleviate the symptoms of Nail Fungus.

In conclusion, the only way to truly know how to distinguish Nail Fungus from other types of nail infections is to talk to your doctor. Make sure that you consult your doctor about this condition and discuss The Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Solution Reviews alternative treatment methods before taking any medication or trying any of these options. What Causes Nail Fungus? As you might be aware, Nail Fungus is caused by the fungi called Nailomyces or Nail Fungi. The fungus typically feed on keratin, the protein found in the nails. They normally grow on the fingernails and toenails. It is very difficult to get rid of Nail Fungus unless the fungi are killed first.

How to Recognize Finger and Toe Nail Fungus? The symptoms of fingernail fungi vary, depending on who is infected. The most common symptoms include; yellowed toenails and thickening and breaking of the nails, thickening and discoloration of the nails and a white, slimy or white coating on the nails. Also, you will notice a foul odor and an extreme itching sensation in the affected finger or toe.


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