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Given the business use case:
'New Trucks' runs a fleet of trucks in a rental business In the U.S. The majority of the trucks are owned; however, in some cases, 'New Truck' may procure other trucks by renting them from third parties to their customers. When trucks are leased, the internal source code is 'L'. When trucks are owned, the internal source code is 'O'. This identifies different accounts used for the Journal entry. Customers sign a contract to initiate the truck rental for a specified duration period. The insurance fee is included in the contract and recognized over the rental period. For maintenance of the trucks, the "New Trucks* company has a subsidiary company 'Fix Trucks' that maintains its own profit and loss entity. To track all revenue, discounts, and maintenance expenses, 'New Trucks' needs to be able to view: total maintenance fee, total outstanding receivables, rental payment discounts, and total accrued and recognized insurance fee income.
What wil the typical transaction information be at the header level?
Answer: A
Which function of Smart View create multiple reports from dimension values by using same grid structure?
Answer: C
Where do you define the currency conversion type to be used in converting accounted amount for reporting currency ledger?
Answer: C
Given the subledger journal entry:
Note that the first segment is the primary balancing segment.
Which statement is True regarding this subledger journal entry?
Answer: A
Which role must the user have to import accounting transaction data?
Answer: C
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