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Famous C-SEN-2205 Test Learning Guide: Certified Application Associate - SAP Enable Now has high pass rate - PracticeVCE

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SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP Enable Now Sample Questions (Q69-Q74):

What is the purpose of the strategy workshop? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.

  • A. To clarify and understand the implementation scope in detail
  • B. To implement customizing
  • C. To identify project-driven approaches vs. strategic knowledge management solutions
  • D. To define the authoring guidelines

Answer: C,D
What is the main use of the Collector in book pages?

  • A. To create combinations and conditions to show or hide objects
  • B. To collect user clicks in the book page for tracking mouse location
  • C. To collect a text variable
  • D. To group several objects in one page

Answer: D
Your customer uses Desktop Assistant guided tours for SAP SuccessFactors and now wants to use Web Assistant instead. The customer asks you if the existing content can be converted for reuse in Web Assistant. What do you reply?

  • A. Content conversion can be done by using a Producer function.
  • B. Content conversion can be done by using an SAP partner.
  • C. Desktop Assistant projects can be reused in Web Assistant without conversion.
  • D. Content conversion is NOT possible.

Answer: A
In what scenario should you use automated re-recording?

  • A. If the interface is the same, but the process changed completely
  • B. When the interface changed, but the process is still the same
  • C. If you re-record a simulation that was recorded in Quick Recording mode
  • D. When the interface changed, and the process changed only slightly

Answer: B
How can you address a pre-filtered view of a structure in a published library?

  • A. By activating the author filter and applying it for end users
  • B. By adding the end user filter directly to library.html
  • C. By adding the filter-specific library.txt infix to the URL
  • D. By cloning the structure and deleting the unwanted duplicates

Answer: C
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Certified Application Associate - SAP Enable Now Actual Test Guide Boosts the Function to Simulate the Exam - PracticeVCE

Because our C-SEN-2205 study torrent can support almost any electronic device, including iPod, mobile phone, and computer and so on, Specialist C-SEN-2205 Exam study material. After almost 10 years' research and development, we are finally able to guarantee that our C-SEN-2205 pass-sure guide files will be your trustful partner in your preparation. Getting SAP certification should pass several exams normally, ( It's universally known that one can have more opportunities in the job markets if he or she has an exam certificate.