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In order to protect the vital interests of each IT certification exams candidate, Prep4cram provides high-quality CompTIA PT0-002 exam training materials. This exam material is specially developed according to the needs of the candidates. It is researched by the IT experts of Prep4cram. Their struggle is not just to help you pass the exam, but also in order to let you have a better tomorrow.

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Fantastic PT0-002 - Valid Braindumps CompTIA PenTest+ Certification Ebook

In the 21 Century, the PT0-002 certification became more and more recognized in the society because it represented the certain ability of examinees. However, in order to obtain PT0-002 certification, you have to spend a lot of time preparing for the PT0-002 Exam. Many people gave up because of all kinds of difficulties before the examination, and finally lost the opportunity to enhance their self-worth. But our PT0-002 exam questions will help you pass the exam for sure.

Why do I need to take the CompTIA PT0-002 Certification Exam?

Nowadays, many companies are using the CompTIA PT0-002 Certification Exam to evaluate the skills of the candidates. They are also looking for qualified candidates to work for them. The CompTIA PT0-002 Certification Exam is very useful for candidates who want to work for companies. It will help them to get a good job. CompTIA PT0-002 Certification Exam is a must for candidates who are working in the IT industry. PT0-002 Dumps will help you to pass the exam easily. CompTIA PT0-002 Certification Exam is designed by the CompTIA. The CompTIA is a renowned organization in the IT industry. They are providing training and certification to the candidates who are working in the IT industry. The CompTIA PT0-002 Certification Exam is very helpful for candidates who want to work in the IT industry.

CompTIA PenTest+ Certification Sample Questions (Q125-Q130):

Which of the following is a rules engine for managing public cloud accounts and resources?

  • A. Cloud Brute
  • B. Scout Suite
  • C. Pacu
  • D. Cloud Custodian

Answer: D Explanation:
Cloud Custodian is a rules engine for managing public cloud accounts and resources. It allows users to define policies to enable a well managed cloud infrastructure, that's both secure and cost optimized. It consolidates many of the adhoc scripts organizations have into a lightweight and flexible tool, with unified metrics and reporting.
A penetration tester is scanning a corporate lab network for potentially vulnerable services. Which of the following Nmap commands will return vulnerable ports that might be interesting to a potential attacker?

  • A. nmap -Ss22-25,80
  • B. nmap -PA22-25,80
  • C. nmap -PU22-25,80
  • D. nmap -PS22-25,80

Answer: D
A company is concerned that its cloud service provider is not adequately protecting the VMs housing its software development. The VMs are housed in a datacenter with other companies sharing physical resources. Which of the following attack types is MOST concerning to the company?

  • A. Session riding
  • B. Data flooding
  • C. Side channel
  • D. Cybersquatting

Answer: C Explanation:,share%20the%20same%20physical%20hardware
The results of an Nmap scan are as follows:
Starting Nmap 7.80 ( ) at 2021-01-24 01:10 EST
Nmap scan report for ( )
Host is up (0.0102s latency).
Not shown: 998 filtered ports
Port State Service
80/tcp open http
|http-title: 80F 22% RH 1009.1MB (text/html)
| Slowloris DoS Attack
| <..>
Device type: bridge|general purpose
Running (JUST GUESSING) : QEMU (95%)
OS CPE: cpe:/a:qemu:qemu
No exact OS matches found for host (test conditions non-ideal).
OS detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 107.45 seconds
Which of the following device types will MOST likely have a similar response? (Choose two.)

  • A. Network device
  • B. Print queue
  • C. IoT/embedded device
  • D. Public-facing web server
  • E. Active Directory domain controller
  • F. Exposed RDP

Answer: C,D Explanation:
From the http-title in the output, this looks like an IoT device with RH implying Relative Humidity, that offers a web-based interface for visualizing the results.
When planning a penetration-testing effort, clearly expressing the rules surrounding the optimal time of day for test execution is important because:

  • A. security compliance regulations or laws may be violated.
  • B. business and network operations may be impacted.
  • C. testing adds to the workload of defensive cyber- and threat-hunting teams.
  • D. testing can make detecting actual APT more challenging.

Answer: B
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