Foren » Discussions » Zero Ballistics - Another Free Tank Game With Unique Blend


Zero Ballistics is a unique blend of first person shooter and tank combat, focusing on multiplayer gaming exclusively. It’s an addictive game.

Features include:

  1. Easy to learn.
  2. Attractive graphics.
  3. Three levels set in a lush alpine environment covering all seasons.
  4. One arena level.
  5. Three different main weapons, and three secondary weapons. The main gun fires projectiles that follow a ballistic trajectory. The secondary weapon is a machine gun that fires high-velocity rounds which have a limited range but follow a straight line so you should aim directly at your target. Your tank also is equipped with a stealth device so you can only be seen by your enemy’s radar when you are firing your main gun.
  6. 81 different tank setups.
  7. Six different skills.
  8. BeaconStrike, Deathmatch and Team Deatchmatch modes. BeaconStrike provides fast and easy gameplay but also a huge amount of teamplay and controlled action.
  9. Multiplayer-oriented.

Website: Support: Driver Easy Premium Crack Developer: Quanticode License: GNU GPL