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Determining the cost of a mobile app: Things to consider?

Developing a mobile app is an extensive process that involves the collaboration of several key characters. According to various sources, professional Mobile app development cost ( ) can range from a modest $ 5,000 to jaw-dropping $ 500,000:

The 2017 clutch survey indicated the average price of a mobile app at $ 171,450. According to Out Systems, 80% of mobile apps take +3 months to develop. 75% of companies surveyed by EMM spend more than $ 250,000 on mobility solutions, with the remaining 25% - $ 1.5 million. These numbers are huge. However, they mostly apply to advanced proprietary enterprise-level mobile solutions that serve thousands of business end-users with sophisticated and robust features. In reality, the cost of developing a simple application that offers a single functionality can range from $ 15,000- $ 25,000, while medium-complexity applications typically range from $ 40,000- $ 100,000.