Foren » Discussions » New York Mayor Tells New Yorkers Not to Buy Cars


Leave to Mayor de Blasio.

“The future of New York City is less about the car,” de Blasio said. “I’m never going to own a car again.”

That’s from the mouth of de Blasio, that gets shuttled around in a tax dollar-funded SUV. He apparently wants people to travel via public transport at a time when social distancing is the state and federal health advice.


Hi, this is very interesting.


To be honest, I live in New York not so long ago, but I think that the problem of filling cities with cars is not so critical. If it were not for machines, then human life would be much more difficult. If you use only public transport, then your needs cannot be fulfilled. Thanks to the cars, I was able to move to this city and move my things for my small business. An old friend suggested where you can find out about transport on After that, I was able to move to this city. But I'm not sure that public transport could help me with this.