Foren » Discussions » How and where can I securely buy cryptocurrency?


I am a beginner in the field of cryptocurrency and I want to learn from people who know how best to buy the coins I need while making it reliable and convenient for me?


I also very much want to buy cryptocurrencies for myself and loved ones, but I don’t know where and how best to buy cryptocurrency at the best price and for an adequate price, so that the purchase is reliable, thank you very much.


I also faced this problem, I could not figure out how to start the path to buying cryptocurrency on the Internet. I didn’t understand how best to find information. Then my close friend, seeing my interest in this and my desire, suggested that I try the Mobile app by Changelly: en_US & gl = US to get started in cryptocurrency. I tried it and I really liked this application very reliable and simple for newbies in cryptocurrency. I quietly bought myself a couple of coins. Try it.