This Webpage lists the codes Which Might be Entered into the Console Window, a distinctive debugging window that might be retrieved on non-ironman games by hitting ^ or ° (key changes based on computer keyboard design). Press the down or up arrow keys to traverse through previously executed commands. Many codes could be switched off by copying the control, but occasionally reloading the rescue or departing the match is essential. Please be aware that lots of these controls come in and out with every DLC making a number of these not do the job.
Also of note, controls might not operate in ironman matches by layout.
• Display list of commands = help
• 10 million manpower = manpower
• 999 politcal power = pp
• 999 military expertise = xp
• All research complete = research all
• Click on a technology to research = researchoniconclick
• Immediate structure (also impacts AI gamers ) = instantconstruction or ic
• Remove fog of war = for
• Start civil war in desirable country [Notice ] = civilwar [ideology] [country tag]
• Give 100 percent warscore = winwars
• Allow use of diplomatic activities = adiplo or allowdiplo
• Add latest gear = ale [amount]
• Insert specific gear (equipment) = ae [amount] [name]
• Insert chosen gear (equipment) = addequipment [amount] [equipment name]
• Insert 5,000 of the Most Recent gear (equipment) in each class= addlatestequipment 5000
• Nuke any province without specific conditions = debugnuking
• AI takes everthing you send them= aiaccept
• Activate teleporting = tp
• Submit an occasion= event [event id]
• White peace between particular nations= whitepeace [tag] [tag]
• Change playable nation = tag [country tag]
Note: Some instances are "civilwar Fascism POL" for the fascists to begin a civil war in Poland, "civilwar democratic ITA" for the democrats to begin a civil war in Italy, also "civilwar communism AST" for the communists to begin a civil war in Australia.
Use one of the following names using the "add_equipment [amount] [gear name]" code:
Support Equipment
• Moderate Tank
• Infantry Equipment III
• Motorized
• Mechanized
• Light Tank II
• Medium Tank
• Grosstraktor
• Super Heavy Tank
• Marine
• Mountain
• Towed Anti-Tank
• Towed Anti-Air
• Towed Artillery
• Rocket Artillery
• Fighter I
• Close Air Support I
• Heavy Fighter
• Tactical Bomber I
• Strategic Bomber I