Foren » Discussions » dropped my voopoo drag in the toilet


What do I do if I dropped my voopoo drag in the toilet? I took out the batteries and put it in rice thinking it would work but it didn’t. I just put the batteries back in today and it only shows the word off and my batteries are fully charged. It happened today.


It's a sad situation, I think there's nothing to be done. I'll have to buy a new one...


I sympathize with you, and this is a terrible situation. You must understand that water and electronics are not compatible; usually, it is fatal for technology because it could begin corrosion, oxidation, and it causes your vopo not to work. Try to take it apart and dry it or bring it to the nearest service center would be a much better idea than to do it yourself. If it fails or is not done in the service, I can advise you to buy a new Heisenberg By Dot Vape, and it is not worse than yours.