Foren » Discussions » Any Business Owners waiting on Visa?


Hi All, my Fiance and I both are entrepreneurs. She however is waiting for a visa interview and the embassy is not open for routine service yet. Its very hard to market to new customers and invest when that timeline is vague. Is anyone else in this type of situation, waiting on fiance visa as entrepreneur? Any ideas to handle business with such uncertainty? Thank you for comments!


It would be interesting to know how the author did it. I saw this post just now because I found myself in a similar situation.


My fiancee did not receive a university degree for health reasons. But we plan to fix that when she moves in with me. For the last six months, she probably took all the online courses that only exist on the Internet, the last one was She is seriously preparing to help me with my business idea. But getting a visa takes so long. It seems to me that during this time she would have managed to graduate from the university as an external student ...