Foren » Discussions » A short essay on Girls WhatsApp group link Pakistan


It is also part of the letter that the players will give to the HRD ministry.

"The entire cultural aspect of Pakistani girls is also explored by the document. For example, girls wear goths and emo-styled clothing. Not just girls of Pakistan but we have read that Indian girls also wear this type of dress. The relevance of this may be looked into as well," says one of the researchers.

Speaking to The Sunday Express, Hasan Ali, one of the researchers, explains, "The project is on topics such as gender empowerment, nutrition, health, education, hygiene, physical fitness, gender-based violence, and its outcomes. When we talked to participants of the social media girls WhatsApp group, they said that they wished to send us research that would reach everyone. Since we did not have a direct line of communication with any girl from Pakistan, we felt that we would have to find an indirect route."

But as the research team prepares to launch the discussion document, in fact, it is a cultural document that will enable all of India to learn about Pakistan's girls, the plight of which many associates with a horrific act of WhatsApp group link Pakistan.

"From what we read, girls in Pakistan belong to all walks of life. But interestingly, for the very first time, the project focuses on rural girls from Pakistan. We have included brief notes on girls who have migrated to Pakistan, married to someone from the same locality, and have found a healthy life. That is because we feel, the generation that has migrated from Pakistan to India are those who find more empowerment. We have read that even girls from such families have their own personal WhatsApp group where they share news and keep each other informed about current affairs. The research has found that girls from these families have organized social events too and used such platforms to send invitations to their friends. They use social media as a shortcut to exchange information and introduce one another. This is interesting since girls in India hardly have any link with Pakistan through WhatsApp. And one more interesting aspect of their life is their connection with girls in the neighboring countries," says Hasan.

The report has shared brief excerpts from the handwritten letter that the girls will give to the ministry. It mentions that the Pakistan government banned WhatsApp because it helped girls connect with other girls and share their experiences. The letter says that the government does not allow girls from Pakistan to go to school, especially those who go to middle school. They are also not allowed to work. Most girls go to school until the ninth or tenth standard and come back.

"They have said that their parents spend money on their upbringing rather than invest in their education. Their age is also short. Therefore, role of parents is very important. They have told us about a group of older girls who link up with younger ones in order to share their experiences, share links and messages and discuss important things," says Hasan.

According to Hasan, the girls who are seen sharing this information with girls in India also say that this is done through WhatsApp and one of the reasons is that of proximity.

"In Pakistan, there is a saying that if a boy and girl of the same religion get into a relationship then they will not accept that girl if she joins a neighboring the country. This goes for those who are born in India too. Girls who go to school face very intense criticism and pressure for going to a non-Muslim school. So they stay away from that education for a long time. Such girls do not belong to the middle class or even those who belong to the lower class," says Hasan.

But despite the hurdles, Hasan feels that the journey is very promising. "If there is education, they find a short and an indirect route to education through a school. Then, education is definitely the gateway to change. If a girl goes through.