Foren » Console » Join the journey to discover your "innocence" with the new version of Rice Purity Test now


Are you curious about just how 'innocent' or 'experienced' you are? Well, look no further than the rice purity test – your passport to a world of fun and self-discovery! This delightful quiz features a whopping 100 questions that delve into various aspects of life, from relationships to mischievous escapades, all designed to gauge your 'innocence' or 'experience.' We'll be touching on topics like relationships, romantic adventures, run-ins with the law, encounters with substances, moments of truth, and more. Taking the test is a breeze – just hit that 'Start Test' button on the main screen of the Rice Purity Test and answer each question with a simple 'Yes' or 'No.' Your score is calculated by counting your 'No' answers, with each question worth 1 point. The higher your score, the closer you might be to earning the title of the world's 'purest' or most 'innocent' individual, and vice versa. But remember, this test is all in good fun and should not be taken as a scientific measure of your character or morals. Now, let's journey back in time! The Rice Purity Test has its origins at Rice University in the early 20th century. Originally created to help students track their life experiences and growth during their college years, it has evolved over the ages and now comes in various versions. Starting with a modest 10 questions for women, it has grown into the 100-question extravaganza we have today. In 2023, a few updates were made to keep the test relevant to modern life. So, if you're eager to discover your level of 'clarity' or 'experience,' take this quick and entertaining test, and in just a few minutes, you'll have your answer!