Foren » Console » I also had an existing accounts from an old job


I can only tell you Animal Crossing Items exactly what I did. About 3 days back after RH gave this message they were no more promoting'certain stocks', I made an account with Fidelity (took less than 5 mins to setup acc + link bank). Then I just did an EFT (electronic funds transfer) and I managed to use 100 percent of the money I transferred instantly even though you do receive any warning linked to funds moving when you get the stock straight away, but it is still possible to purchase it. I'd tell you the specific warning but it already cleared since so I do not recall the wording.

That was it for me. I also had an existing accounts from an old job I had forgot about so when I signed up I just had to upgrade some information. If you put this up and run into a problem I can attempt to help you as best I could.

TD Ameritrade is restricting buying on volatile stocks, however from what I've seen they just increased the margin requirements to 100%. Anybody purchasing a short squeeze margin would have to be a retard. It is dangerous, and a reasonable position for TDA to take so they aren't left holding the bag of retards who can not meet a margin call. Additionally, it saves YOLO newbies from themselves, though I doubt that's TDA's motivation. Every day which Melvin can not find the Switches that the parents have paid , he has to pay a sacrifice to every parent for their difficulty of waiting for them. And the more pricey these Switches get on the current market, the higher the sacrifice, since these parents should rights already have these Switches, regardless of how expensive they've gotten. Melvin tries to put off paying the higher market price as long as possible in the hopes it will eventually go down. Eventually the forfeits become so large, Melvin does not have any option but to swallow his just desserts and pay market price for the Switches.

At least that's the Buy Nook Miles Ticket
way my retarded brain interpreted it, but I am just a dumb ape, don't listen . I'm just holding GME since I believe in the company! ??????