Fun Tripper - Holiday Object in Indonesia

Fun Tripper - Bandung in West Java is recognized as a creative city with cool air. I don't think there's a word of saturation for a vacation in Bandung. Tourists who enjoy nature, art, shopping and culinary holidays can have a maximum vacation in Bandung.

Fun Tripper - For a natural vacation, there is Mount Tangkuban Perahu, Kawah Putih or Begonia Garden. If you want to hang out and shop, tourists can come to Dago's location. Factory stores with a number of qualities lined up from there.

Fun Tripper - Do you want to have a charming photo to be picked up on social media? Bandung has many parks that are suitable for hanging out as well as a number of photos. There is a square in front of the Mushola Raya Bandung, film park, Centrum Music Park to Singles Park.

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