en Tested on 1.10, 1.11, 1.12 /give Rüstung

Hey! Don't you want to add every single enchantment to an armor, sword or a bow?
This is a helmet from the SPECTRUM series that is included in my other commands.

Please Read...
Spectrum armor is developed by me and it gives you every enchantment possible to the item (gear) with a level 10 enchantment. Level 10 enchantment is impossible to get in a enchantment table nor from a creative inventory. Use this com-mand to create overpowered armor with this command. Also, explanation of the command is down below, so you can change the lev-el of the enchantment, add or remove an enchantment, or change the lore or the name of the item.

give @p diamond_something(item) 1 0 {display:{Name:"The Name(name)",Lore:["some text, (Lore)", (new line)"and some text"]}, ench:[{id:0,lvl:10 },{(next one)id:1,lvl:10 }]} (enchantment ID and LVL. Here is the list: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/minecraft-discussion/creative-mode/365638-enchantment-id-list)
Anyway, go down for the command  :)
Enjoy and comment what you thought about the command!

Der Befehl

Achtung: Minifiziere den Command um Probleme zu vermeiden :)

Erstellt: Wed, 05 Jul 2017 14:01:45, Geupdated: Wed, 05 Jul 2017 14:01:45, Ansichten: 15



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