Luna Is a Villager that has AMAZING trades! if u give her dirt she will give you 8 book and quills... if u give her 1 book & quill she will give you a Written book, if u give her 2 emeralds she will give you 6 Command Blocks! if u give her 1 command block she will give you 64 Bottle's of Enchantment! if u give her 1 command block you will get a mob spawner! if u give her another 1 command block u will get a furnace that stays on. if u give her ANOTHER command block (You need a lot of command blocks well 6 XD) u will get (this is my FAVE part...) a Map! (it is a magical map) the rest u find out!
Der Befehl
Achtung: Minifiziere den Command um Probleme zu vermeiden :)