en 1.8.X - 1.10.X /summon Tiere & Monster

This is a "Magical" Discovery! Quick! Get the scientists! We *MUST* find the key to flight! Hahahahaha...... No... this is not "Magic" or "Witch Craft"... it's a command. Get it now for $99,999,999.99! Hahahahaha... just kidding! Get it for FREE!! I have a boat one too.... here's the link: https://minecraftcommand.science/commands/35010 (I am AGAIN sorry if someone else beat me to this command! I am NOT copying them....I just wanted to do this!) Also...the number that you put in: [insert number] is how HIGH it is above the command block. Now that everything is stated... have fun!

Der Befehl

Achtung: Minifiziere den Command um Probleme zu vermeiden :)

Erstellt: Mon, 20 Jun 2016 00:15:43, Geupdated: Sun, 07 May 2017 20:42:48, Ansichten: 409



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