en 1.8 /Currency Dorfbewohner Shop

We used these shops on our server. To work, you have to make Players drop a Nether Star upon death, so others may trade the Nether Stars for currency.

List of shops:

Currency shop: The shop where you trade Nether Stars for currency.

Armor shop: buy armor.

Weapon shop: buy weapons.

Legendary shop: buy legendary gear.

Helpful alchemist: buy useful potions to help yourself.

Harmful alchemist: buy potions to harm others, such as damage and slowness.

Enchanting shop: buy bottles of enchanting and lapis lazuli.

DISCLAIMER: DO NOT MINIFY THIS COMMAND! The commands themselves are already minified, but they are all LABELED. Minifying will BREAK THE COMMAND!

Der Befehl

Achtung: Minifiziere den Command um Probleme zu vermeiden :)

Erstellt: Mon, 04 Apr 2016 12:48:00, Geupdated: Sun, 14 May 2017 04:22:16, Ansichten: 50



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