en 1.8 /give Zaubertränke

Wanna jump to the moon? You're in the right place!


Simply click on the signs to get the item!


Check out my account for more command creations!


How To Install Windows:

1. Copy the command (CTRL + C)

2. Go in a world in creative

3. Do /give @p command_block

4. Place it down and open up the interface

5. Paste in the command (CTRL + V)

6. Activate the command block

7. Drink the potion

8. Congrats! You're on the moon!

Der Befehl

Achtung: Minifiziere den Command um Probleme zu vermeiden :)

Erstellt: Fri, 17 Apr 2015 11:04:30, Geupdated: Sun, 10 Jul 2016 21:03:04, Ansichten: 50



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